1. 국제기구와 IO-WGCA 2. IO-WGCA의 이해 3. IO-WGCA공무수행에 대한 공포 4. IO-WGCA공무수행의 올바른 방법
5. CCGI. GGG. IGC기업 참여 방법 6. 녹색혁명 / 녹색용어 해설

7. 국제표준녹색기술.상품 실천


‘IO-WGCA(International Organization-World Green Climate Association)’ 이해

IO-WGCA(International Organization-World Green Climate Association / 한글명: 국제기구세계녹색후기구)는 기후환경에 관련된 모든 국제법, 조약법, FTA, 아포스티유 등을 포괄적 담보로 한 ‘IO-WGCA기후환경헌법’을 국제공익신탁법에 의거하여 수탁 등록하였고, 본 기후환경 헌법을 근거로 전 세계 녹색기술, 상품, 서비스, 기업 등을 발굴하여 국제표준녹색기술로 검증 후 국제표준녹색인증 분류코드별로 전파하고 관리함으로써 이 지구와 우주 유기체, 무기체를 보존하는 공공의 이익을 위하여 노력하고 있는 기후 환경 헌법 실천 국제기구이다.

이를 위하여 ‘국제표준분류코드별 국제녹색인증 방법’에 대하여 144여개 국가를 포함하는 PCT 출원을 완료하였고, 146여개 인증방법 분야를 포괄하는 상표권을 등록 하였으며 ‘IO-WGCA 헌법’을 근거로 한 ‘IO-WGCA 녹색인증 방법’에 대한 특허출원(제2016-0030293호)을 하였고 최종 특허심판원 제 9부 심결(사건번호 2018원4851)에 따라 특허 결정되었다.

특허심판원에서 결정된 판결은 대법원에서 재심할 수 없다. (판결이 2019년12월 대법원판례참조)

'IO-WGCA'는 인류의 당면과제인 ‘기후환경 녹색책무실천’을 위하여 ‘IO-WGCA 기후환경헌법’을 각 국가별 헌법과 법률의 적용을 받아 해당국가 정부 기관의 허가 및 승인된 증명서와 국제법을 근거로 국제 협약된 문서 등을 포함한 국제기구 인증 문서 목록을 법무부 검찰청 소속 공증 및 외교부, 법무 아포스티유와 주재국 해당 영사인증 완료 후 해당 국가에 기탁 및 공익수탁법에 근거하여 수탁 후 각 대륙 및 국가별로 국제기구 공익기관 및 법인을 등록하였다.

이와 같은 절차에 따라 오세아니아 연방는 피지, 아프리카연합은 말리, 유럽연합은 오스트리아, 서남아시아 및 아시아는 네팔, 중국은 인근 17여개국과 동맹이 된 중화인민공화국광서장족자치구인민정부 협조와 협력 등 지원으로 중국 상공회의소 길림 상공회의소 등과 국제협약하였다.

이는 중국인민정부 시진핑 주석이 공식적으로 유일하게 국제기구와 해외 국가에 대하여 국제협약에 서명한 행정 자치구에서 국제기구로 인정받았다는 점에서 큰 의미가 있으며, 동 중화인민공화국광서장족자치구 공안청에서 중국 헌법과 법률을 근거로 한 국제법상 국제기구가 정확한지에 대하여 수개월 동안 철저한 조사와 검증 후 인정되었으며 중국 사법부 공증을 받은 시점부터 중국에서 국제공무를 공식적으로 수행 중에 있습니다.

또한, 대한민국에는 헌법과 법률을 근거로 민법 제 32조로 해외에 헌법 수탁 된 사실을 근거로 ‘IO-WGCA 헌법’ 목적사업 실천 허가와 공익을 목적으로 하는 지재권을 포괄하여 공익 신탁법에 따라 대한민국 법원 등기국에서도 100여개 분야로 신탁 등록하였고, 기 공익 법인을 관리하기 위한 국가기관공익기관을 국세청에 ‘국제 및 외국기관’ 분류코드 9900, 즉, ‘국제기구’로 기탁 및 수탁 등록하였으며, 아프리카 연합법 적용을 받은 국가와 국제 협약된 것을 근거로 국제표준 녹색기술 인증 방법에 의한 ‘국제표준녹색인증’, 대륙별 및 국제녹색기술에 대한 ‘수의계약 확인’, 국제표준녹색인증 상품에 대한 통관업무 등 국제기구로서 ‘국제실적증명’까지 검증 인증 증명할 수 있도록 공무 수행 준비를 완료하였습니다.

대한민국에서는 국제법과 조약법 지재권 관련 산하 협정문에 따른 유엔 ILC에서 국제법으로 인정 된 법령이 자국에서 비준된 건을 근거로 수행할 수 있도록 한 국제법과 WTO 관련법 등 국제기후환경협약(조약법)을 근거로 한 ‘저탄소 녹색성장 기본법’을 공포하여 ‘국제녹색 실천’에 대하여 제4조 국가의 책무, 제5조 지방정부의 책무, 제6조 모든 기업의 책무, 제7조 모든 국민의 책무, 제8조 타법과의 관계 최우선으로 규정하고 강력하게 시행되고 있으며 이는 ‘IO-WGCA 헌법’과 일치합니다.

이와 같이 'IO-WGCA'는 어느 한 개인을 위해서가 아닌 전 세계 공익을 위하여 활동하여야 하므로 'IO-WGCA' 산하 모든 공익법인의 주주는 지구와 우주 유,무기체이며 대표자나 임원은 관리자일 뿐이라는 것을 등기부등본 등에 명확히 기재하고 있습니다.

'IO-WGCA'는 유럽연합사무국, 아프리카연합사무국, 동북아시아동맹세계본부, 오세아니아세계본부, 아메리카, 유라시아세계본부, 동북아세계본부, NCC세계본부, 8대륙세계지원본부, 72 세계본부,기후환경자산운용본부,기후환경선물거래소,검증세계본부,검증감찰세계본부,미국세계본부,무한에너지세계본부,교육글로벌세계본부,등 대륙 및 국가별로 활발하게 공무를 수행하고 있습니다.

각 국가와 오세아니아 14부족 연방에서 IO-WGCA 오세아니아 연방을 지원하기 위하여 오세아니아 사무국(IO-WGCA-IAB. OCEANIA.FIJI)이 공무수행 중에 있습니다.

아프리카 말리정부에서는 아프리카 연합법의 적법성 적용을 받아 포괄적 범위의 국제법과 'IO-WGCA 기후환경 헌법'에 동의하여 IO-WGCA 아프리카 말리 사무국이 말리 대통령 추천에 의하여 국회비준까지 완료하여 대통령 승인 후 말리지역에 서울시 2배 면적의 도시 개발을 위한 준비를 다국적 그룹들과 중국 일대일로 정책과 메이저 그룹들과 함께 적극적으로 공무수행 중입니다.

특히, 아프리카 연합은 2018년 FTA에 49개 국이 참여하여 44개 국의 동의를 받았고, 2019년 4월 2일 잠비아가 22번째로 비준함으로써 동 5월 30일, FTA 중 가장 큰 범위의 아프리카연합 FTA가 시작되었다. 이로써 아프리카연합에 해당되는 국가에서 비준된 법령이나 승인된 법률은 유럽연합처럼 모두 국제법 적용을 받게 되었습니다.

유럽은 파리 협약을 통해 전 세계 WTO 회원국 및 G20,G77, 부족국가, 섬나라까지 포괄적 담보로 집약할 수 있는 중대한 역사적 배경으로 자리하게 되었습니다.

유럽의 시작이라고 할 수 있는 터키에서는 자국의 헌법과 법률을 근거로 국제법을 적용 받아 최고 결정권자와 내무부 비준으로 수탁되어 있으며, 터키는 아랍연합 준회원, 아프리카연합 준회원, 중앙아시아준회원 유럽연합 준회원으로써 경제적, 지리학적으로 중요한 요충지에 자리하고 있습니다.

오스트리아에서는 2018년 2월 유럽연합(EU)법과 오스트리아 헌법 및 법률을 근거로 국제법상 적법성 적용을 받아 오스트리아 정부 경찰청에 ‘IO-WGCA기후환경 헌법’이 공식 수탁되었고 이를 근거로 독립적인 국제기구로 ‘IO-WGCA 유럽 사무국(IO-WGCA-IAB. EUROPE)’이 등록되었습니다.

이는, 대한민국 법무부 검찰청 소속 국제공증과 외교부, 법무부 아포스티유 등 대한민국 외교 서명된 ‘IO-WGCA 기후환경 헌법’ 문서 등 대한민국 각 분야별 인증기관 문서가 유럽을 포함하여 아프리카연합, 광서동맹국연합 등 국제적으로 공식 인정된다는 것을 단적으로 말해준다고 할 수 있으며, 본 공무를 담당하고 있는 'IO-WGCA' 국제공무원은 해당국가에서 수탁 기탁된 기후 환경 헌법 분야별 정책을 국가 정책에서 승인함으로써 'IO-WGCA 헌법'에 명시된 내용대로 국제법을 적용받아 녹색 책무에 대한 외교적 면책을 받아 공무 수행할 수 있습니다.

또한, 'IO-WGCA 기후환경 헌법'의 포괄적 담보로 된 문서에 포함된 전 분야의 공무를 터키와 오스트리아에서는 유럽 44개국과 (WTO) 회원국, 아프리카연합은 MALI에서도 55개 국 등WTO 회원국, 중국 광서 장족자치구동맹 17개국 등 (WTO) 회원국 등, 브릭스 회원국 포함, 중국 일대일로 (SICO) 해당국 135개 국과 국제협약된 국가에서 국제법에 근거하여 공식적으로 공무 수행할 수 있게 되었으며, 중국 등 전 세계 정부에 등록된 기관이나 본부에서 섬나라 빈국 개도국 등에 이를 지원할 수 있도록 준비되었습니다.

G20과 G77 상임이사국인 중국정부에서는 인민정부 및 공기 관 등과 ‘IO-WGCA 기후환경 헌법’ 동의 및 녹색 실천에 대한 약 30여 기관과 취소 불능 국제협약을 통하여 중국 전 행정구역 내에서 공무를 수행할 수 있도록 되었으며 이미 수행 중에 있습니다.

이렇듯 지구상 통신과 온라인으로 소통되는 모든 국가는 '(IO-WGCA)'의 기후환경을 위한 국제표준 녹색기술에 대한 녹색헌법실천을 위한 책무 이행 국가라고 할 수 있으며, 이미 전 세계 국가는 인류가 살아가는데 필요한 전 분야에 대하여 각 해당 분야별 국제표준녹색기술로 검증 후 인증 받아 국가 간 세계 경쟁력을 다투는 새로운 국제표준녹색기술, 상품의 경쟁 시대에 들어섰습니다.

Understand "IO-WGCA (International Organization World Green Climate Association)"

IO-WGCA (International Organization World Green Climate Association / Korean name: 국제기구세계녹색기후기구) is the IO-WGCA climate and environment constitution entrusted and registered in accordance with the international public trust law, which is guaranteed by all international laws, treaty laws, FTA, apstille, etc. related to climate and environment. Based on the climate and environment constitution, it explores the world green technologies, products,Services, enterprises, etc. are the international organization for constitutional practice of climate and environment, which is verified by international standard green technology, disseminated and managed according to the international standard green certification classification code, and strives to protect the public interests of the preservation of the earth and cosmic organisms and organisms.

To this end, we have completed PCT applications from more than 144 countries and registered trademark rights in more than 146 areas of certification methods. According to the patent application for "IO-WGCA green certification method" based on the "IO-WGCA climate and environment constitution" (No. 2016-0030293), we decided to issue Patents according to the deliberation of Part 9 of the final Patent Examination Institute (event No. 2018 yuan 4851).

The decision of the patent court cannot be retried by the Grand Court.(refer to the case law of the Supreme Court in December 2019)

In order to practice the current human subject "green responsibility for climate and environment", IO-WGCA applies the "IO-WGCA climate and environment constitution" to the constitutions and laws of various countries. Based on the certificates approved and approved by the government organs of the country and international law, it lists the certification documents of international organizations, including international treaty documents, notarization under the procuratorial Office of the Ministry of justice and the Ministry of foreign affairs. After the certification of apstille of the Ministry of justice and relevant consuls in the host country, according to the relevant national entrustment and public welfare entrustment law, after entrustment, international organizations, public welfare institutions and legal persons shall be registered according to the mainland and countries.

According to this procedure, the Commonwealth of Oceania, the African Union, Mali, the European Union, Turkey, Austria, southwest Asia and Asia, China and Nepal, China and the people Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the people Republic of China, which has formed ASEAN with more than 17 neighboring Northeast Asian countries, have assisted and cooperated, and signed international agreements with China Jilin chamber of Commerce and industry.

Since the notarization of the Ministry of justice of China, he has officially performed international official duties in China.

In addition, the Republic of Korea is based on the Constitution and laws, the fact that Article 32 of the civil law entrusts overseas constitutions, including the practice license for the purpose of "IO-WGCA constitution" and intellectual property rights for the purpose of public interest. According to the public trust law, the Court Registry of the Republic of Korea has also carried out trust registration in more than 100 fields to manage public welfare legal persons,The public welfare organs of state organs entrust and register with the IRS as the "international and foreign organs" classification code 9900, "international organizations", and complete the "international standard green certification" of the international standard green technology certification method and the "random contract confirmation" of mainland stars and international green technology on the basis of signing international agreements with countries applying the joint African law Prepare for the verification and certification of "international standard green certification" by international organizations such as the customs clearance business of international standard green certification products.

In accordance with international law, treaty law and intellectual property related agreements, the Republic of Korea has published the basic law on low-carbon green growth based on international law, WTO related laws and other international climate and environmental conventions (Treaty Law) approved by the Republic of Korea on the United Nations ILC. It undertakes the responsibilities of article 4 countries and Article 5 local governments for "international green practice",Article 6 is the responsibility of all enterprises, Article 7 is the responsibility of all enterprises, and Article 8 stipulates the relationship with other laws as the highest priority, which is being vigorously implemented, which is consistent with the "IO-WGCA constitution".

Like this, "IO-WGCA" is not for one person, but for the public welfare of the whole world. Therefore, the copy of the register clearly stipulates that the shareholders of all public welfare legal persons under "IO-WGCA" are the existence and non existence of the earth and the universe, and the representatives or managers are just managers.

EU Affairs Bureau, African Joint Affairs Bureau, Northeast Asia Joint world headquarters, Oceania world headquarters, America, Eurasia world headquarters, Northeast Asia World Headquarters, NCC world headquarters, 8 continents world support headquarters, 72 world headquarters, climate and environmental assets application headquarters, climate and environmental futures exchange, verification world headquarters, verification and monitoring world headquarters. The "IO-WGCA" of different continents and countries such as the world headquarters of the United States, the world headquarters of unlimited energy and the global headquarters of education are actively performing their official duties.

The Bureau of Oceania Affairs (IO-WGCA-iab. Oceania. Fiji) is on official business to support the IO-WGCA Commonwealth of Oceania in various countries and the 14 tribal Federation of Oceania.

The Malian government applied the legitimacy of the joint African law and agreed to a comprehensive range of international law and the "IO-WGCA climate and environment constitution". The IO-WGCA Bureau of African and Malian affairs made preparations for the development of a city in Mali equivalent to twice the area of Seoul after being approved by the Congress on the recommendation of the president of Mali, China is actively implementing one belt, one road policy and major group in the multinational sector and China.

In particular, in 2018, the African Union had 49 countries participating in the FTA free trade agreement, which was agreed by 44 countries. Zambia ratified it for the 22nd time on April 2, 2019, and the African Union FTA free trade agreement with the largest scope in the FTA free trade agreement began on May 30 of the same year.So far, the decrees and laws approved by African Union countries apply international law like the EU.

Through the Paris Agreement, Europe has become a major historical background in which WTO Member States, G20, G77, tribal countries and island countries can be used as comprehensive guarantees.

As an associate member of the Arab League, the African Union, Central Asia and the European Union, Turkey is in an important position in economy and geography.

2018 In February, Austria officially entrusted the Austrian government police department to register the "IO-WGCA climate and environment constitution" on the basis of European Union (EU) law and Austrian constitution and laws, which are legally applicable to international law. On this basis, Austria registered the "IO-WGCA European Affairs Bureau (IO-WGCA-iab. Europe)" as an independent international organization.

It can be said that the international notarization under the procuratorial Office of the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Korea, the "IO-WGCA climate and environment constitution" document signed by the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Korea and apostille of the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Korea and other certification authority documents in various fields of the Republic of Korea, including Europe, have been officially recognized by the African Union, Guangxi east alliance and other international organizations,The "IO-WGCA" international civil servants in charge of their official duties have approved various policies in the field of climate and environment constitution entrusted by relevant countries in terms of national policies. They can apply international law according to the contents expressed in the "IO-WGCA constitution", obtain green responsibility, conduct diplomatic exemption and perform official duties.

In addition, public affairs in all fields included in the comprehensive guarantee document of the "IO-WGCA climate and environment constitution" will be carried out in Turkey and Austria with 44 European countries and (WTO) Member States, the African Union with 55 WTO member states such as the Republic of Mali, 17 ASEAN member states such as Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China, including BRICs member states,China one belt, one road China (SICO), the 135 countries and the international treaty countries, can perform official duties according to international law, and are prepared to provide support to the island, poor and developing countries in China, etc.

China, a permanent member of the G20 and G77, has reached irrevocable international agreements with more than 30 institutions, including the people government and public institutions, on the consent of the "IO-WGCA climate and environment constitution" and green practice. It can perform official duties in all administrative regions of China and has begun to implement it.

In this way, all countries with communication and online communication on earth can be said to fulfill the responsibility of "(IO-WGCA)" climate and environment constitution. Countries all over the world have verified all fields required by human life with international standard green technology in relevant fields, and entered the new international standard green technology competing for world competitiveness among countries Product competition era.

理解"IO-WGCA(International Organization-World Green Climate Association)"

IO-WGCA(International Organization-World Green Climate Association / 韩文名:국제기구세계녹색후기구)是根据国际公益信托法委托登记了以气候环境相关的所有国际法、条约法、FTA、APOSTILLE等为担保的《IO-WGCA气候环境宪法》,以气候环境宪法为依据,发掘全世界绿色技术、产品、服务、企业等,用国际标准绿色技术验证后,按照国际标准绿色认证分类代码传播和管理,为保护地球和宇宙有机体、无机体保存的公共利益而努力的气候环境宪法实践国际组织。




















"IO-WGCA 정보"

국제표준녹색인증(ISGC)인 “IO-WGCA IGC”는 UN WIPO에 2가지 유형으로 PCT등록되어 있으며 KIPO, EUIPO에 상표 및 특허 취득하였고, IO-WGCA기후환경헌법에 근거한다.

IO-WGCA국제표준녹색검증, 인증 및 감찰은 IO-WGCA기후환경헌법 목적사업 포괄적 범위의 공익적 공무 집행에 대한 IO-WGCA의 국제적 책무이다.

UNWIPO PCT등록은 IO-WGCA에 대해 정부기관 범위의 관찰자 역할과 같으며, 등록 목적은 IO-WGCA기후환경헌법의 대륙별 기탁 및 수탁을 통하여 헌법목적사업 포괄적 공무수행과 IO-WGCA 회원국가 또는 회원가입 등에 대한 협력 및 국제공무 수행을 위한 IO-WGCA IGC(ISSA, ISGC-IGC) 각 분야별 IO-WGCA CCGI, GGG를 운영하기 위한 것이다.

IO-WGCA의 역사적인 국제적 책임과 사명은 'W'를 우주 및 지구 각 국가 및 섬나라, 부족국가까지 전파하는 것이다.

IO-WGCA는 대륙별로 국제협약을 체결하여 승인받아 IO-WGCA기후환경 헌법을 기탁, 수탁한 후 등록하였고, 이미 서명한 IO-WGCA 기후환경헌법 기탁, 수탁에 대한 증명서에 기록된 목적 범위 내에서 해당 분야의 공무 수행은 다음과 같다.

대륙별 설립임원최고집행이사회(IO-WGCO, IO-WGCA F,D.EBM.COUNCIL) 자문 내용을 바탕으로 등록국 헌법 및 법률 범위 내에서 행정주관부서에서 승인한 지역내 법인설립 운영규칙에 따라 공무를 수행한다.

IO-WGCA 기후환경헌법에 근거한 WGCA 유치서류 관리자, 설립임원최고집행이사회 운영을 위한 국제기구 법인 허가증 관련 지역 범위 승인 기관 및 비영리 국제기구는 영리 법인이 등록된 8개 대륙 또는 G77, 섬나라 및 가난한 국가의 공무 수행을 공시한다.

IO-WGCA 기후환경헌법 목적사업 포괄적 공무수행에 대하여 IO-WGCA IGC IR(RE) 0~1100과 IO-WGCO 결의파일에 의해 채택된 세계 인증과 허가된 동판 인증 및 해당 분야 인증 자료에 기록된 IO-WGCA IGC 각 대륙의 공무 수행 범위는 다음과 같다.

IO-WGCA IGC (ISSA, ISGC-IGC)에 대한 IGF, GB, NAU, IGV, IGCE, NCC, IT... ISSA(I.T.E.G.P) 등 8개 대륙 이하 관련 분야 기관이 보유한 IO-WGCA IGC IR 1100 규정 1, 2권 및 관련 기관 백서 1권, 관련 기관의 다양한 분야에서 ESG, IGC 백서는 관련 기관의 규제 운영을 설명한다.

대륙별 국가의 IO-WGCA IGC(ISSA, ISGC-IGC)는 대, 중, 소, 세, 세세분류로 전 세계적으로 운영된다.

다음 공시 내용은 IO-WGCA 온라인에 기록된 내용을 근거로 하며, 한국 및 중국에서 공무를 수행하는 IO-WGCA의 각 분야별 기관이 IGC 공무 수행에 참여하는 과정이다.

국제기구IO-WGCA의 운영을 위해 대한민국 IO-WGCA 소관 행정기관인 법무부 검찰청 소속 인증자의 공증 후 한국 외교부 및 중국영사인증, 법무부 법무과 APOSTILLE 파일번호를 재인증하였다.

9개 기관 백서와 ESG, IGC 보고서를 각 기관의 최종 보고서로 채택하고, IO-WGCA 9개 기관 산하 CCGI, GGG 파일, UNWIPO PCT, KIPO, EUIPO 등에 등록된 특허, 아프리카 영국령 및 프랑스령 포함 지식재산기관에 기록된 IO-WGCA 기후환경 헌법 포괄적 목적 사업은 각 은행의 헌법 정관과 동일하며 9대 기관의 기관 백서 1권과 2권을 부록으로 하여 재확인 후 발표하였다.

사실을 홍보하기 위해 추가 영사인증을 받은 IO-WGCA가 있는 각 기관의 백서 번호를 발표하고, 9개 기관 파일 및 사실을 입증하는 IGC 자료를 공포하였다.

중국 정부의 지원을 받아 베이징 다싱국제공항 린공경제구(랑팡) 구역에 IGF BANK.IO-WGCA 문서를 근거로 외비코드계좌가 등록된 법인은 허베이성 랑팡시 구안현에 3만8000 평방미터의 공장, 기숙사, 사무실 빌딩 작업을 완료하여 국제기구 운영법인 “푸디 국제 에너지 개발 유한회사 福地国际能源发展有限公司”가 운영되고 있으며 허베이성 인구는 약 7500만 명, 인근 성 인구는 약 5억 명이다.

IO-WGCA 구안HQ는 허베이성 랑팡시에 설립되었으며, IO-WGCA 연변HQ는 용징시내에 본부를 두고 있으며 공장과 기숙사는 리모델링을 마쳤다.

동북아연합IO-WGCA 문서를 근거로 IO-WGCA GGG운영법인으로 등록된 “중허녹색신에너지과학기술(지린성)유한공사 中合绿色新能源科技(吉林省)有限公司”는 공장 설비를 완료하고 최종적으로 IGC운영을 위해 룽징시와 국제협약을 체결하였다.

IO-WGCA의 IGC국제철근사업과 용징시 정부가 체결한 국제협약식은 "연변주 룽징시 중요사업 집중 협약식"으로 성대하게 개최되었으며, 연변주 정부 서기 후자푸와, 주지사 홍칭, 박군봉 룽징시 당서기, 황병호 룽징시장 등 각 분야 부서장들이 참석했다. 지린성의 인구는 약 2500만 명이다.

IGC프로젝트는 IO-WGCA IGC IR 0~1100에 따라 ISSA, ISGC-IGC기계설비가 수백 가지 HS코드와 원산지증명, 생산지증명 등과 함께 통관 완료 후 현지에 도착해 입고 완료되었으며 입고된 내용에 따라 IO-WGCA 자산 집행 규모와 생산규모, 예상 채용 인원 등 지역 본부 운영이 완료되었다.

이와 같이 통관된 기술상품 재인증의 적용범위, 운영 지원 규칙과 범위, 역할, 기간, IGC 원재료 인증, IGC 생산 규격 인증, 탄소배출권 거래, 지적재산권 및 디지털 증권 거래, 상품 거래 등 기후환경선물거래소 운영, 국제금융 운영지원 백서, WSC 지원 백서, ITP 백서, CCGI.GGG 백서, 인프라 백서, 행정 지역 운영 백서 및 규칙, 경제·지리학적 인프라 응용, 국제법 범위, 기술 제품 분야 등에서 중국정부와 지속적으로 협력하여 운영 중이다.


NCC WHQ.IO-WGCA 문서를 근거로 등록된 법인은 지린성 지역에 탄소 배출권 기관, 중국 내륙항구 및 대륙간 철도망을 연결하는 지역과 만주리 국제 협의구에 등록된 헤이룽장성 검증 인증 글로벌 본부, 기업 연합 글로벌 본부 등 IO-WGCA 검.인증 수락 기관이 IO-WGCA 법인으로 등록되어 운영되고 있다.

다음의 공시내용은 국제기구 IO-WGCA가 걸어온 길이다.

The following is the path traveled by international organizations:




IO-WGCA IGC IR 1100. 1. IO-WGCA Basic Rules for the civil Servants, the commissioners and the institutional operations:





IO-WGCA는 국제표준녹색기술의 모든 분야에서 대, 중, 소, 세, 세세분류로 분류하고 각 분야별 철저한 검증을 거쳐 인증된 국제표준녹색기술상품을 제공 및 운영하고 있다.

사례로 IO-WGCA IGC 재난안전 분야와 Graphene G-Rebar를 한국에서 중국으로 발굴하여 동북아세계총부를 통하여 현지에 설치한 GGG 공장에서 공급을 완료하였다.

UN WIPO에 2가지 종류의 PCT 등록과 KIPO, EUIPO에 상표 및 특허를 취득한 IO-WGCA 기후환경헌법에는 부록으로 특별조항이 있으며, IO-WGCA 각 분야별 백서 및 역사파일은 IO-WGCA 기후환경헌법 및 IO-WGCA IGC IR(RE) 0-1100에 의거한다.

"IO-WGCA 기후환경헌법 부록 및 특별조항"

1. IO-WGCA 역사기록물 0-1-0-4.

2. IO-WGCA 역사기록물 1-7.

3. 마다가스카르 IO-WGCA 투자협정

4. IO-WGCA IR(RE), 0-1100 국제 규정(ESG, IGC)

5. IO-WGCA 9대 기관 백서 각 1권 및 기관별 부록

6. IO-WGCA IGC(ISSA.ISGC-IGC. ESG) 국제표준녹색기술상품-수출에 대한 IGF BANK의 여신공급 백서

7. IO-WGCA IGC(ISSA.ISGC-IGC. ESG) 국제표준녹색기술상품-수출에 대한 관세 통관 백서

8. IO-WGCA IGC(ISSA.ISGC-IGC. ESG) 국제표준녹색기술상품-IGC 국제 표준 녹색 기술 산업 도시-동북아세계총부 운영백서

9. IO-WGCA IGC(ISSA.ISGC-IGC. ESG) 국제표준녹색기술상품-수출에 대한 NCC WHQ.의 EPC 운영백서

10. IO-WGCA IGC(ISSA.ISGC-IGC. ESG) 국제표준녹색기술상품-수출에 대한 동북아연합의 ISSA, ESG 및 EPC 운영 백서

11. IO-WGCA IGC(ISSA.ISGC-IGC. ESG) 국제표준녹색기술상품-수출에 대한 GLOBAL BANK의 IF, ESG, EPC 운영 백서

12. IO-WGCA IGC(ISSA.ISGC-IGC. ESG) 국제표준녹색기술상품-수출에 대한 IGF BANK의 IF, ESG, 자산운용 포괄적 운영백서

13. IO-WGCA IGC(ISSA.ISGC-IGC. ESG) 국제표준녹색기술상품-수출에 대한 IT PLATFORM의 IT 통합 운영 지원 백서



- 기후환경에 관련된 모든 국제법, 조약법 등을 포괄적 담보한 IO-WGCA 기후환경헌법 설계

- IO-WGCA기후환경 헌법을 근거로 한 녹색기후기구(GCA) TF 법인 CHANGING COSMOS. CCGI. 2개 법인 목적사업과 2000년부터 준비해 온 자료를 근거로 IO-WGCA 설계.


- 2011년 NCC TF위원회를 발족.


- 2012년 국제기구 공익법인 등록과 최고이사회 및 각 대륙사무국이 운영을 위한 기후환경 헌법설계 완료.

- 2012년 02월 : 기후환경 국제기구인 IO-WGCA(국제기구 세계녹색기후기구) 등록을 위한 TF위원회 및 회의 결의서 01호 작성 시작.

- 2012년 08월 : 국제표준녹색검증 및 인증 절차 설계 완료하여 등록을 위한 공증

- 2012년 11월에 피지에 TF 위원 구성 완료


- 2013. 06. 18 : 피지 (회의록 및 허가증 07호 07-0 ~ 07-72, 07-73 근거 및 첨부문서)

- 2013. 10. 07 : 한국 서울 중앙지방법원 국제기구세계녹색기후기구 등기.

- 2013. 12. 11 : 한국 부산

- 2013. 12. 16 : 한국 대구


- 2014. 03. 04 : 중국 홍콩 (IO-WGCA ISSA특수안보국(I.T.E.G.P.) 허가 후 운영 중).

- 2014. 03. 19 : 한국 광주

- 2014. 09. 17 : 필리핀

- 2014. 09. 18 : 말레이시아

- 2014. 12. 28 : 방글라데시

- 2014. : 아프리카연합 말리 사무국 (3회 이상 갱신, 지방정부 협정체결 등)

- 2014 : 터키


- 2015. 07. 03 : 한국 서울 IO-WGCO 최고 이사회


- 2016. 10. 03 : 몽골

- 2016. 10. 05 : 한국 서울 : IO-WGCA헌법책무실천 국제기구(개업일: 2015.11.11)

- 2016. 12. 12 : 한국 서울 : WIPMO 세계지적재산권관리기구 IO-WGCA헌법책무실천 국제기구(개업일: 2013.06.08)


- 2017. 12 : EU유럽연합 IO-WGCA-IAB.EUROPE


- 2018. 02. 12 : 캄보디아


- 2020. 11. 14 : IO-WGCA-IAB.EUROPE, IO-WGCA GLOBAL WHQ. 및 IO-WGCO최고이사회 중국 이전요청 회의록 결의 (Document No.IOWGCA20201114001-01)



- 2021. 04. 13 : 중국 외비관리국 특수기구연합 외비코드 발급

- 2021. 05. 19 : 싱가폴 IO-WGCA디지털통화거래소 IO-WGCA Digital Currency Exchange(Singapore)

- 2021. 05. 27 : 싱가폴 IO-WGCA지식재산권 거래소 IO-WGCA Intellectual Property Exchange

- 2021. 05. 31 : 싱가폴 IO-WGCA국제탄소배출권거래소 IO-WGCA International Carbon Emissions and Sinks Unified Exchange

- 2021. 06. 02 : 싱가폴 IO-WGCA관리기관 IO-WGCA Management.

- 2021. 08. 25 : 중국 인민은행 FT계좌 개설


- 2023. 08. 22 : 유엔 및 국제 기구를 사칭한 사례에 대한 재발방지를 위한 지원 공문 발송

- 2023. 08. 25 : 샹하이 IO-WGCA 동북아 세계본부 산하 IO-WGCA72 지원기관 세계본부 허가 및 입지선정 회의(문서번호:IO-WGCA1100-306-20230825)

- 2023. 08. 25 : 하이난 IO-WGCA 동북아 세계총부 산하 IO-WGCA 9개 기관 본부 및 IO-WGCA 명품 면세점, IO-WGCA국제표준녹색미용건강센터 허가 및 입지선정 회의(문서번호:IO-WGCA1100-307-20230825)

- 2023. 08. 25 : 주하이, 흥치지구(홍콩 ,마카오) IO-WGCA 동북아 세계총부 산하 IO-WGCA 거래소 총부 허가 및 입지선정 회의(문서번호:IO-WGCA1100-308-20230825)

International organizations refer to providing support and international cooperation in areas where national behavior is difficult. Due to the cooperation of IO-WGCA international organization projects, governments around the world can carry out smoother project activities on a global scale for their own interests. International organizations can cooperate with each other in international affairs that are difficult to carry out under international law and other circumstances, so participating countries can carry out project activities centered around each country. IO-WGCA is an international organization organized by governments and citizens around the world, and I believe that governments, businesses, and citizens of countries around the world will cooperate with us, treating this region and the universe as one country. Especially in China, where the Northeast Asia World Headquarters is located, IO-WGCA, which operates around the World Headquarters, is a cooperation between the Chinese government and provincial administrative regions, including second and third tier cities. I believe that the Chinese government and the leadership departments of various local administrative regions in various fields can be more effectively put into practice in the cooperation of the IO-WGCA climate and environmental constitution project, and the Chinese government is gradually becoming the center of the world. I believe that all members and commissioners of IO-WGCA, members of delegations in various fields, and members of NCC will do their utmost to ensure the sustainable development of the world in peace and harmonious prosperity.

International Organization-World Green Climate Association



"关于 IO-WGCA"

IO-WGCA在UN WIPO 以2种类型注册PCT专利,并在KIPO、EUIPO注册专利。这些专利在IO-WGCA气候环境宪法中作为附录和特别条款。


ESG、联合国WIPO PCT对IO-WGCA就像政府机关范围的管辖者角色, 对注册依据和WGCA执行气候环境宪法综合公务的各大洲交存, 受托的IO-WGCA综合目的事业, 注册目的领域, 对加入IO-WGCA成员国家或会员等合作, 以及注册法人机构的执行国际公务的IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC, IGC领域的IO-WGCA CCGI, GGG, IGC是为了运营和经营世界。

IO-WGCA的历史性国际责任和使命, 是将“W”传播到地球和宇宙及地球边缘部落的岛屿国家。

IO-WGCA.ORG. IO-WGCA. IR 1100, IGC.(注册根据RE,0-1100, ESG,IF,IGC. UN WIPO PCT)各大洲签署国际公约, 获得许可交存, 受托后登记, IO-WGCA气候环境宪法目的事业全面项目领域的交存, 受托, 对于已签署的IO-WGCA气候环境宪法交存, 受托的证明书所记录的目的范围内, 在大韩民国执行该领域的公务如下: 包括各大洲的创始人执行理事会, 最高理事会IO-WGCO, IO-WGCA F,D.EBM.COUNCIL. 以咨询内容为基础,在注册国家宪法和法律的范围内, 根据行政主管部门批准的区域内设立法人机构的运营规则的范围内执行公务。


国际组织IO-WGCA,IR条例1100(依据RE1100、ESG、IGC、UNWIPO PCT、KIPO和EUIPO)关于为IO-WGCA目的事业使用文件的领域,由IO-WGCO决议文件通过的世界认证文件和已许可的铜版认证以及该领域认证资料中记录的各大洲执行公务的IO-WGCA、IGC,范围如下:IO-WGCA IGC 以下 ISSA, ISGC-IGC 等 IT, NCC, ISSA(I.T.E.G.P) IGC,V.I.等八大洲以下。

相关领域机构拥有的IR 1100法规1、2卷和相关机构白皮书1卷,以及相关机构各领域ESG、IGC白皮书,说明了相关机构的法规操作。各大洲国家的ISGC IGC对IO-WGCA IGC中的大、中、小、细、细小分类的领域中,在世界范围内进行运作。

为了国际组织的运营,对IO-WGCA大韩民国所管行政机关法务部检察厅所属的认证人的公证;外交部、领事认证;法务部法务科认证的APOSTILLE文件编号做了再一次认证。 以9大机构白皮书和ESG、IGC报告作为各机构最终报告,IO-WGCA 9大机构下属CCGI,包括GGG文件,KIPO,UNWIPO PCT,EUIPO等注册的专利、非洲英属地和法属地在内的特许权所记录的IO-WGCA气候环境宪法全面目的的事业与各银行宪法章程相同,将9大机构的机构白皮书1卷和2卷作为附录,经重新申请后予以公布。为宣传事实,现公布各机构白皮书编号,并附有额外领事认证的IO-WGCA.9大机构文件,并公布证明事实的IGC资料。


最后整理的文件如下:通过IO-WGCA各领域机构的公务, 支持东北亚世界总部, IO-WGCA IGC, 建筑,工厂,宿舍,办公室,总部各领域方面,通过中国政府协作进行的韩国海关出口, 中国海关对国际标准绿色技术商品经认证的文件出具的产地证明和原产地证明,通关的技术商品再认证的适用范围的运营, 适用的规则和范围角色期限,IGC原材料认证、IGC生产规格认证、碳排放权交易、知识产权交易、数字证券交易、商品交易领域管理的运营范围,将适用的白皮书领域、气候环境期货交易所运营、国际金融运营支持白皮书、WSC支持白皮书、ITP白皮书、CCGI.GGG白皮书、基础设施白皮书、行政区域运营白皮书和规则,经济、地理学上的基础设施应用,在国际法范围、技术产品领域中正在运营中。





IO-WGCA NCC法人机构,在吉林省地区登记有碳排放权机构,是连接中国内陆港口、洲际铁路网的地区,以及在满洲里国际协议区登记的黑龙江验证认证全球总部、企业联盟全球总部、认证受理机构,也作为IO-WGCA法人机构注册在运营。




IO-WGCA 以下公示内容为国际组织走过的路:

The following is the path traveled by international organizations:




IO-WGCA IGC IR 1100. 1. IO-WGCA Basic Rules for the civil Servants, the commissioners and the institutional operations:






作为案例,IO-WGCA IGC灾难安全领域和石墨烯Griva从韩国发掘到中国,并在东北亚世界总部设置的GGG工厂完成供应。就像韩国前政府以会议记录的形式发出防止知识产权犯罪的公告一样,加之由于许多政府机关负责人对国际组织及绿色产业项目的“猜忌”,故而给国际社会带来了混乱。


1. IO-WGCA历史记录物0-1-0-4

2. IO-WGCA历史记录物1-7

3. 马达加斯加IO-WGCA投资协议

4. IO-WGCA IR(RE),0-1100国际法规(ESG、IGC)一卷二卷

5. IO-WGCA9大机构白皮书各一册和各机构附录等特别条款

6. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC,IGC. ESG,IGC 包括.国际标准绿色技术产品-出口IGF、授信供给白皮书

7. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC,IGC. ESG,IGC 包括。国际标准绿色技术产品-用于出口的IGV、ESG、IGC,关税通关白皮书

8. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC,IGC. ESG,IGC 包括:国际标准绿色技术产品-IGC国际标准绿色科技产业城,IO-WGCA东北亚世界总部运营ESG、IGC,合并白皮书

9. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC,IGC. ESG,IGC 包括.国际标准绿色技术产品-用于出口的NCC EPC运营白皮书

10. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC,IGC. ESG,IGC包括。国际标准绿色技术产品-出口时ISSA、国际标准绿色监察小组和ISSA、面向运营的NAU、ESG和EPC运营白皮书


12. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC,IGC. ESG,IGC 包括。国际标准绿色技术产品-已出口的ISSA.ISGC、IGC。IF、ESG、IGC全面运营IGF、ESG、生产和运营白皮书

13. IT.,P. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA. ISGC,IGC. 整合操作,操作支援白皮书



- 气候环境宪法交存及受托各大洲及国别沿革进行的韩国外交部, 司法部法务科, 检察厅所属认证, 中国外交部协助下进行的中国大使馆、总领事馆认证、中国上海公证处、大韩民国外交部、法务部认证的Apostille文件,广西壮族自治区北部湾公证处公证,记录请参考以下内容

- IO-WGCA以气候环境宪法为依据的绿色气候组织TF法人CHANGING COSMOS, CCGI 2个法人作为TF法人, 以章程为目的事业依据,以2000年开始准备的资料为依据,设计的IO-WGCA国际组织世界绿色气候机构气候环境宪法附件


- 2011年以NCC TF委员会发出


- 2012年完成国际机构公益法人登记和最高理事会及各大洲事务局运营的气候环境宪法设计后,IO-WGCA国际组织世界绿色气候机构从2012年2月开始为气候环境国际机构登记的TF委员会及会议决议01号文件开始制定;

- 2012.08.国际标准绿色验证认证规程设计完成。

- 2012年08月注册准备公证

- 2012年11月在斐济组成TF委员;


- 2013. 06. 18 : FIJI 根据会议记录及许可证07号文件0至07,07-73附件)

- 2013. 10. 07 : 首尔中央地方法院登记,2013年登记注册国际组织世界绿色气候机构

- 2013. 12. 11 : 釜山

- 2013. 12. 16 : 大邱


- 2014. 03. 04 : 香港 (IO-WGCA ISSA特殊安保总部、ISSA(I.T.E.G.P.)许可后运营中).

- 2014. 03. 19 : 韩国光州

- 2014. 09. 17 : 菲律宾

- 2014. 09. 18 : 马来西亚

- 2014. 12. 28 : 孟加拉国

- 2014. : 非洲联盟马里秘书处 (3次以上更新,地方政府签署协议等)

- 2014 : 土耳其


- 2015. 07. 03 : 首尔:IO-WGCO最高理事会


- 2016. 10. 03 : 蒙古国

- 2016. 10. 05 : IO-WGCA宪法责任实践国际组织(开业日 2015.11.11)

- 2016. 12. 12 : WIPMO 世界知识产权管理机构 (开业日 2013.06.08)


- 2017. 12 : 欧盟 IO-WGCA-IAB.EUROPE


- 2018. 02. 12 : 柬埔寨


- 2020. 11. 14 : IO-WGCA-IAB.EUROPE,IO-WGCA GLOBAL WHQ,从奥地利维也纳迁移中国北京请求文件,2020年11月14日最高理事会会议记录和最高理事会会议记录编号:IO-WGCA20201114001-01)



- 2021. 04. 13 : 中国外汇管理局特殊机构联合发行外汇代码

- 2021. 05. 19 : SINGAPORE- IO-WGCA Digital Currency Exchange(Singapore)

- 2021. 05. 27 : SINGAPORE- IO-WGCA Intellectual Property Exchange

- 2021. 05. 31 : SINGAPORE- IO-WGCA International Carbon Emissions and Sinks Unified Exchange

- 2021. 06. 02 : SINGAPORE- IO-WGCA Management.

- 2021. 08. 25 : 中国人民银行开设FT账户


- 2023. 08. 22 : 为防止再次发生假冒联合国及国际机构的事例而发送支援公文

- 2023. 08. 25 : 上海IO-WGCA东北亚世界总部下属IO-WGCA72支援机构世界总部选址会议(文件编号:IO-WGCA1100-306-20230825)

- 2023. 08. 25 : 许可证海南:IO-WGCA东北亚世界总部下属的IO-WGCA 9大机构总部和IO-WGCA名品免税店、IO-WGCA国际标准绿色美容健康中心选址会议 (文件编号:IO-WGCA1100-307-20230825)

- 2023. 08. 25 : 珠海横琴地区、香港、澳门,IO-WGCA东北亚世界总部下属的IO-WGCA交易所总部许可证及选址会议 (文件编号:IO-WGCA1100-308-20230825)






International Organization-World Green Climate Association



"About IO-WGCA"

IO-WGCA registers PCT patents in two types at UN WIPO and patents in KIPO and EUIPO. These patents are included as appendices and special provisions in the IO-WGCA Climate and Environmental Constitution.

The international verification and supervision team of IO-WGCA is responsible for the public welfare performance of international organizations.

ESG, WIPO PCT of the United Nations, and IO-WGCA act as jurisdictional authorities within the scope of government agencies, depositing and entrusting IO-WGCA comprehensive purpose undertakings on various continents based on registration and WGCA's implementation of climate and environmental constitutional comprehensive official duties, registering purpose fields in various fields, cooperating with member countries or members that have joined IO-WGCA, and registering legal entities to perform international official duties, such as IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC, and IO-WGCA CCGI and GGG in the IGC field, IGC is for operating and managing the world.

The historic international responsibility and mission of IO-WGCA is to spread "W" to the island countries of the Earth, the universe, and the tribes on the edge of the Earth.

IO-WGCA.ORG IR 1100, IGC (Registration according to RE, 0-1100, ESG, IF, IGC. UN WIPO PCT)The signing of international conventions on all continents, obtaining permits for deposit, and registration after being entrusted, as well as the deposit and entrustment of the IO-WGCA Climate and Environmental Constitution Comprehensive Project Area, within the purpose scope recorded in the signed IO-WGCA Climate and Environmental Constitution Deposit and Entrustment Certificate, the following official duties in the Republic of Korea in this field are carried out:

Including the Founder's Executive Councils of various continents, the Supreme Councils IO-WGCO, IO-WGCA F, D.EBM. COUNTIL. Based on consulting content, within the scope of registering national constitutions and laws, and in accordance with the operational rules for establishing legal entities within the region approved by the administrative authorities, perform official duties.

WGCA, based on the IO-WGCA Climate and Environmental Constitution, establishes application document management personnel, international organization legal entity licenses for executive council operations, relevant regional approval agencies, non-profit international institutions, and publicly announces the performance of official duties within the eight continents or G77, island countries, and poor countries registered by the for-profit legal entity.

The international organization IO-WGCA, IR Regulation 1100 (based on RE1100, ESG, IGC, UNWIPO PCT, KIPO, and EUIPO), regarding the field of using documents for IO-WGCA purposes, the world certification documents passed by the IO-WGCO resolution documents and the licensed copper plate certification, as well as the IO-WGCA and IGC performing official duties on various continents recorded in the certification materials of this field, are as follows:

Below IO-WGCA IGC. ISSA. ISGC, IGC Waiting for IT, NCC ISSA, (I.T.E.G.P) IGC, V.I., and other eight continents or less.

The IR 1100 regulations in volumes 1 and 2, as well as the white papers on ESG and IGC in various fields owned by relevant institutions, explain the regulatory operations of relevant institutions. ISGC IGCs from various continents operate worldwide in the fields of large, medium, small, fine, and fine classification of IO-WGCA IGCs.

For the operation of international organizations, notarization of certifying persons under the jurisdiction of the Prosecutor's Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea, the administrative Association of IO-WGCA; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Consular Authentication; The APOSTILLE document number certified by the Legal Department of the Ministry of Justice has been re certified. The IO-WGCA climate and environmental constitution, as recorded in the nine major institutions' white papers and ESG, IGC reports as the final reports of each institution, includes CCGI under the nine major institutions of IO-WGCA, including GGG documents, KIPO, UNWIPO PCT, EUIPO, and other registered patents, as well as concessions for British and French territories in Africa.

The comprehensive purpose of the IO-WGCA climate and environmental constitution is the same as the constitutional constitutions of various banks. Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the nine major institutions' white papers are included as appendices and will be published after reiteration. In order to promote the facts, the white paper numbers of each institution are now published, accompanied by additional consular certification of the IO-WGCA.9 large institution documents, and the IGC materials that prove the facts are also published.

The following announcement is based on the content recorded on the IO-WGCA. The long-term process of IGC participation by various fields of IO-WGCA institutions in the execution of official duties is shown in the figure below. The final organized documents are as follows:Support the Northeast Asia World Headquarters, IO-WGCA IGC, buildings, factories, dormitories, offices, headquarters, and other fields through the official duties of IO-WGCA institutions in various fields. Collaborate with the Chinese government to export South Korean customs, provide proof of origin and certificate of origin issued by Chinese customs for international standard green technology goods certification documents, operate the scope of application for re certification of technical goods for customs clearance, applicable rules and scope, and role deadlines, IGC raw material certification IGC, production specification certification, carbon emission trading, intellectual property digital securities trading, commodity trading management and operation scope, applicable white paper areas, climate environment futures exchange operation, international financial operation support white paper, WSC support white paper, ITP white paper, CCGI.GGG white paper, infrastructure white paper, administrative region operation white paper and rules, infrastructure application in economics and geography, It is currently operating within the scope of international law and in the field of technological products.

With the support of the Chinese government, the foreign currency code foreign exchange account and legal entity deposited in the Langfang Airport Economic Zone of Beijing Daxing International Airport have been registered as a legal entity in Gu'an County, Langfang City. The preparation work for a 38000 square meter factory, dormitory, and office building in the Gu'an High tech Park has been completed, and the operation preparation work for the IGF legal entity registration (Fudi) Gu'an County factory has been completed.

The headquarters of IO-WGCA in Gu'an is located in Langfang City, Hebei Province. The headquarters of IO-WGCA Yanbian is located in Longjing City, and the factory and dormitory have been renovated. The two administrative regions of the introduced project are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the IO-WGCA authorized supply white paper for IGC exports, and are coded according to hundreds of HS tax codes. After IGC completes customs clearance, it shall be recorded and operated as stipulated in the white paper. The industrial ISSA, ISGC, and IGC mechanical devices have arrived locally and have been put into storage. Based on the content that has been put into storage, the execution and production scale of IO-WGCA assets, expected recruitment numbers, and regional headquarters operations have all been completed.

In order to operate the IGC that has already been set up in the factory, the Secretary of the Yanbian Prefecture Party Committee, the Deputy Secretary of the Yanbian Prefecture Party Committee, and the Governor of the Yanbian Prefecture Party Committee, as well as the heads of various departments, participated in the operation. The international organization, the World Green Climate Association, operates the Northeast Asia United Stock Company registered locally. Registered as an IO-WGCA (Zhonghe GGG) operating legal entity, and ultimately signed an international agreement with Longjing City.

The IO-WGCA NCC legal entity is registered as a carbon emission authority in Jilin Province, connected to inland ports and intercontinental railway networks in China, as well as the Heilongjiang Verification and Certification Global Headquarters, Enterprise Alliance Global Headquarters, and Certification Acceptance Association registered in the Manzhouli International Agreement Zone. It is also registered and operated as an IO-WGCA legal entity.

The population of Jilin Province is about 25 million. The "Centralized Signing Ceremony for Important Projects in Longjing City, Yanbian Prefecture" was grandly held in Longjing City. The signing ceremony for important projects between the international organization IGC International Reinforcement Project and the Longjing City Government was attended and verified by Hu Jiafu, Secretary of the Yanbian State Government, and Governor Hong Qing! Park Junfeng, Secretary of the Longjing Municipal Party Committee, and Huang Binghao, Mayor of Longjing City, attended the signing ceremony.


The international organization operating legal entity (Fudi Energy) has been operating in Gu'an County, Langfang City, Hebei Province, with a population of approximately 75 million and a population of approximately 500 million in neighboring provinces.

The following is the path traveled by international organizations:




IO-WGCA IGC IR 1100. 1. IO-WGCA Basic Rules for the civil Servants, the commissioners and the institutional operations:





Respected delegation and members of the Northeast Asia World Headquarters, representative Guo Yanlong, and representative Shen Zaihua, the Speaker of the Education Council, express their gratitude to the Chinese government and the heads of various regional governments and agencies. IO-WGCA provides and operates international standard green technology products that are classified into large, medium, small, fine, and fine categories in all fields, and have been thoroughly verified and certified in all fields. As a case study, the IO-WGCA IGC disaster safety field and graphene Griva were excavated from South Korea to China and supplied at the GGG factory set up at the World Headquarters in Northeast Asia. Just like the previous South Korean government's announcement in the form of conference minutes to prevent intellectual property crimes, coupled with the "suspicion" of many government officials towards international organizations and green industry projects, it has brought chaos to the international community.

However, the IO-WGCA is based on the IO-WGCA White Paper and historical archives, as well as the IO-WGCA Climate and Environmental Constitution and special provisions in its appendices, IR 0-1100. PCT patents are registered in two types at UN WIPO, and registered in KIPO and EUIPO. The obtained patents serve as appendices and special clauses in the IO-WGCA Climate and Environmental Constitution.

"IO-WGCA with climate and environmental constitution appendix and special clauses"

1. IO-WGCA Historical Records 0-1-0-4

2. IO WGCA Historical Records 1-7

3. Madagascar IO-WGCA Investment Agreement

4. IO-WGCA IR (RE), 0-1100 International Regulations (ESG, IGC) Volume 1 and Volume 2. The IO-WGCA Climate and Environmental Constitution. The IO-WGCA International Verification and Monitoring Team is responsible for the public welfare performance of international organizations.

5. One volume of IO-WGCA9 White Paper for major institutions and special clauses such as appendices for each institution.

6. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC, IGC. ESG, IGC includes. International Standard Green Technology Products - Export IGF, Credit Supply White Paper

7. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC, IGC. ESG, IGC includes. International standard green technology products - IGV, ESG, IGC for export. White Paper on Tariff Clearance

8. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC, IGC. ESG, IGC includes: International Standard Green Technology Products - IGC International Standard Green Technology Industry City IO-WGCA Northeast Asia World Headquarters, operating ESG and IGC. Merge white papers.

9. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC, IGC. ESG, IGC includes international standard green technology products - NCC EPC operation white paper for export

10. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC, IGC. ESG, IGC includes. International standard green technology products - ISSA for export. International Standard Green Monitoring Group and ISSA. White Paper on NAU, ESG, and EPC Operations for Operations.

11. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC, IGC. ESG, IGC includes. International standard green technology products - white paper on the comprehensive operation of GB, ESG, and EPC for ISSA.ISGC, IGC, IF, ESG, and IGC that have been exported.

12. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA.ISGC, IGC. ESG, IGC includes. International standard green technology products - ISSA.ISGC, IGC that have been exported. IF, ESG, IGC Comprehensive Operations IGF, ESG, Asset Operations and Operations White Paper.

13. IT P. IO-WGCA IGC, ISSA ISGC, IGC Integration operation, operation support white paper.



- The legal representative of the TF, a green climate organization based on the climate and environmental constitution of IO-WGCA. CCGI, as a TF legal entity, has designed the IO-WGCA International Organization World Green Climate Association Climate and Environmental Constitution Annex based on the articles of association as the purpose of the business and the materials prepared since 2000.


- In 2011, it was issued by the NCC TF Committee, and in 2012, it completed the registration of international public welfare legal entities and the design of the climate and environmental constitution operated by the Supreme Council and various continental affairs bureaus.


- On August 2012, the design of the international standard green verification and certification procedure was completed. In August 2012, the registration was prepared for notarization, and in November 2012, the TF committee was formed in Fiji;


- 2013. 06. 18 : meeting minutes and license numbers 07-0 to 07-72.07-73 according to and attachments

- Busan: December 11, 2013, Daegu: December 16, 2013, registered at the Seoul Central District Court, registered with the International Organization World Green Climate Association in 2013;


- 2014. 03. 04 : Hong Kong: March 4, 2014 (IO-WGCA ISSA Special Security Headquarters, ISSA (I.T.E.G.P.) operating under license)

- 2014. 03. 19 : Gwangju, South Korea

- 2014. 09. 17 : Philippines宾

- 2014. 09. 18 : Malaysia

- 2014. 12. 28 : Bangladesh

- 2014. : African Union Secretariat in Mali: 2014 (more than 3 updates, local governments signing agreements, etc.);

- 2014 : Türkiye:


- 2015. 07. 03 : Seoul: IO-WGCO Supreme Council


- 2016. 10. 03 : Mongolia

- 2016. 10. 05 : IO-WGCA Costitutional responsibility practice International Organization (2015.11.11)

- 2016. 12. 12 : WIPMO IO-WGCA Costitutional responsibility practice International Organization (2013.06.08)


- 2017. 12 : EU IO-WGCA-IAB.EUROPE


- 2018. 02. 12 : Cambodia


- 2020. 11. 14 : Request for transfer of meeting minutes resolution to Northeast Asia World Headquarters (November 11, 2020)



- 2021. 04. 13 : China's Bureau of Foreign Exchange Management issues foreign exchange code to the Association of Special Organizations

- 2021. 05. 19 : SINGAPORE- IO-WGCA Digital Currency Exchange(Singapore)

- 2021. 05. 27 : SINGAPORE- IO-WGCA Intellectual Property Exchange

- 2021. 05. 31 : SINGAPORE- IO-WGCA International Carbon Emissions and Sinks Unified Exchange

- 2021. 06. 02 : SINGAPORE- IO-WGCA Management.

- 2021. 08. 25 : People's Bank of China opens FT account


- 2023. 08. 22 : Sending a letter of support to prevent a recurrence of cases impersonating the United Nations and international organizations

- 2023. 08. 25 : World Headquarters Permission and Location Selection Meeting of IO-WGCA72 Support Organizations under the World Headquarters of the IO-WGCA Northeast Asia (document number: IO-WGCA1100-306-20230825)

- 2023. 08. 25 : Meeting on the approval and location of the IO-WGCA International Standard Green Beauty Health Center (document number: IO-WGCA1100-307-20230825) and the headquarters of nine IO-WGCA agencies under Hainan IO-WGCA World General Department

- 2023. 08. 25 : Zhuhai, Hungchi District (Hong Kong,Macau) IO-WGCA Meeting on Permission and Location Selection of IO-WGCA Exchange Headquarters under the World General Department of Northeast Asia (document number: IO-WGCA1100-308-20230825

International Organization-World Green Climate Association